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The TICS Team

lisa cherry image

Dr Lisa Cherry

TICS Director, Researcher, Speaker, Consultant, Trainer
BA (Hons), MA, DPhil, ITEC Dip HM, S.A.C. Dip.
Dr Lisa Cherry is the Director of Trauma Informed Consultancy Services Ltd leading a dynamic and creative organisation that provides a 'one stop' approach to delivering on research, consultancy and learning and development. Lisa is an author, researcher, leading international trainer and consultant, specialising in assisting schools, services and systems to create systemic change to the way that we work with those experiencing and living with, the legacy of trauma. Lisa has been working in and around Education and Children’s Services for over 30 years and combines academic knowledge and research with professional expertise and personal experience. Lisa has worked extensively with Social workers, Educators, Probation Workers and those in Adult Services, training and speaking to over 30,000 people around the world including in the US, Australia and Pakistan and across the whole of the UK.

Lisa has produced multiple pieces of research for various settings and Lisa's own MA research looked at the impact on education and employment for care experienced adults who experienced school exclusion as children in the 1970's and 1980's. In February 2024 Lisa completed her DPhil research at The University of Oxford in the Department of Education. The research asked "How do care experienced adults who were also excluded from school make sense of belonging?"

Lisa is the author of the hugely successful and award winning book 'Conversations that make a difference for Children and Young People' (2021)and ‘The Brightness of Stars’ 3rd Edition published in June 2022. A new book contract has been signed for publication in 2024/2025 on cultivating belonging.
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Lyndsay Curry

PA to Lisa Cherry and TICS Working Together Lead 
After gaining a BSc degree in Health and Human Sciences Lyndsay worked in various HR jobs in Scotland and England. After taking a career break Lyndsay returned to work in 2016 and has worked in the Trauma Informed Practice field ever since.
In 2018 Lyndsay began working with Lisa growing the business and supporting Lisa in the day to day activities involved with organising events and bringing them to life.

Lyndsay maintains a warm relationship with Lisa's clients ensuring they gain the most from their time with Lisa.

Lyndsay is passionate about making a difference to society, particularly for our next generation.

Most used word in relation to Trauma Informed Practice:

Sas Marchant

Business Development Assistant
Having worked with children and young people in a variety of settings, Sas decided that she wanted to learn more about working with services that support children and young people who have experienced trauma, especially through neurodiversity. 

Sas has joined the team, bringing her previous experiences and social media skills so as to communicate effectively on Trauma Informed Practices to a wider audience.

Sas's personal assistant is a cockapoo/cavapoo puppy who brings joy, cuddles and cuteness to the team.

Most used word in relation to Trauma Informed Practice:

Interested in working with our TICS Associate Team?



With a vision of bringing people together across all the sectors, Lisa interviews social workers, teachers, CAMHs and those creating trauma informed community based support, to name a few.


Watch as Lisa interviews different people across the sectors; Social Care, Education, Criminal Justice and Health.

Together we can build Trauma Sensitive and Attachment Aware services across our communities.
TICS LTD © Copyright 2025 TICS is a trading name of Trauma Informed Consultancy Services LTD - Registereed Co 14213958 in England and Wales
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